Monday, December 10, 2012

Search Engine Marketing - Things You Must Know About Inbound Internet Marketing

The Basics of Inbound Internet Marketing

Search Engine Marketing or SEM is usually called an inbound marketing strategy. It is called inbound because you do not send emails, phone calls, promotional materials or any "outbound" items to existing and prospective customers. SEM is an inbound method because you make your website readily available for

This kind of internet traffic is called the "desperation" or "need" niche. When people want to purchase or know something from the internet, they use keywords and type them in search engines. Note that the text and content of websites are built on keywords. If the keywords of your site match the user searches on search engines, you will receive higher ranks in search results.

Inbound Marketing Advantages

What do people consult in the internet if they have questions or needs? Usually, it's Google or other search engines. The Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are considered an authority when it comes to the internet. Studies show that more than 90% of all searched internet traffic leads to the links on the first page of SERPS. Imagine the traffic you can generate if you make it to the top ranks.

Inbound marketing is also flexible and doable at various scales. Even small businesses and home-based advertisers have the same chances of topping the Search Engine competition. It's just a matter of trial and error, finding the right keywords, mixing and matching them. Then, they can be incorporated in articles and blog entries.

Inbound marketing is also widely accepted worldwide. It does not violate the privacy of the internet users because they are the ones who find your site. Technically, you do not find them. In contrast, traditional outbound marketing has been put under several laws against intrusion to privacy. Users may decline emails and sent promotional items because they may see them as annoying.

Doable Techniques for the Trade

In SEM, the most important task is finding the right keywords. If you do not have dedicated software for keyword research, don't worry. You can use free research tools provided by search engines. For example, Google has a keyword tool in Google AdWords. Simply type the nature of business or the keyword you are targeting and Google will give you a healthy list of prospective keywords.

Now that you have a list of possible keywords, it is time to identify your competitors. Use the keywords in search engine queries and find which sites rank high for every search. List them down and analyze them with PageRank (PR) tools of Yahoo and Google. Identify their keywords, backlinks and the respective PRs of each backlink. Outrank them by choosing more powerful keywords and stronger backlinks.

Increasing your Chances of Success

Internet marketing is a very unpredictable trade with lots of unwritten tricks and techniques. You can learn much by joining in online forums of internet advertisers and website owners. There are Search Engine Marketing experts in these forums. You can also gather information on affordable or even cost-free backlinks through these internet marketing communities.

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Issues to Look at in Contextual Link Building Service

Contextual links are very essential elements of SEO. With quality work you can easily be ranked the best or the top in the web site for the required keywords. These methods of contextual link building are very effective since the client can receive results in less than 24 hours. Even though they are highly beneficial you need to take time when selecting the company that offers you the service.

The most important factor is to check if the results are worthy it. It does not make any sense when you pay a contextual link building service provider when you cannot come across any approved results of the project they will be designing for you. If it is possible look at the details of the last customer and check the service they offered you can also meet the customer himself if you can. Make sure that everything they promise to be well and perfectly delivered. You can achieve this by first purchasing fewer packages. If they deliver quality results in the small package, you can now aim for the higher package.

Most contextual link building companies according to study makes sure that their staffs are highly trained and are more experienced. When you are buying any package make sure that the staffs have an experience in building one way links, permanent links and backlinks to avoid poor work. Even so you need to check them over and over and determine their experience differently to come up with the best of them all. This is to ensure that you do not select someone who will add too many links into your web site. Actually, experience is one of the most important factors to out for because it determines the success of the contextual link building process.

Basically, Contextual link building is mostly a combination of various methods and strategies. They vary from different angles and tactics, which at the end ensure that the results are successful. A very well skilled mixture of backlinks, anchor texts, permanent links and one way links and many others, you are very certain that you will achieve good results and probably get a higher rank in the search engines. In order to achieve these results the mixture should be professionally balanced.

In link building process time factor is an issue that should be highly looked up on. Actually, there is always a specific time line made for each phase and process. It is very important and necessary that valuable time is provided between different processes, and the links should be created on time. An abrupt flow of links pointing to one site can most probably interfere with the web site ranking making you lose in sales. It is, in fact, a very good decision when you find out how much time the whole process will take. Contextual link building, on the other hand, is a very strong tool that will definitely take you to the top rank. If you are very much willing to spend some cash on these services, it is best when you go for a company that deals with experts and highly trained staff.

Mobile SEO Growing in Importance As Web Economy Set to Double by 2016   Characteristics Of A Good SEO Professional   Search Engine Optimization: Forum Posting   A Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Advertising   Top Ten Search Engine Marketing Tips for Travel Agents   

How To Pick And Use SEO Keywords

I often hear questions about how to choose and use keywords. Once and for all, I am going to explain how to find keywords, where to put them and the best approach to using them. First, the Google AdWords Keyword Tool is one of the best tools out there. If you don't have an AdWords Account, sign up for one. It's simple, easy and free.

Once you have an account, all you have to do is enter your URL, a few keyword ideas and the category that your website genre falls under. Press enter and you have a list of 100 keyword ideas with data on how many hits the keywords get, where the hits are coming from, and how much competition these keywords have.

It's good to insert all 100 words into the back end of your website's pages. If you have a large budget for your search engine optimization campaign, target the highest competition keywords with the highest number of hits. If you don't want to spend a fortune in time and money, go for the keywords with the highest number of hits and lowest competition. If you are flat broke, only want a little local business and have no patience for a full blown expensive but effective SEO campaign, target the lowest number of hits with the lowest competition.

Now that you have your keywords selected, pick 4 of those keywords to place in an article or press release. Focus your writing on these keywords. Don't forget to place your main keyword in the title of your article.

There is a lot of debate going on right now over whether or not to repeat keywords in articles. Here is the short answer: as long as you have a 3-5% keyword saturation rate, you're fine. Granted, search engines will like your SEO work much better if you use keywords that have synonymous meanings but are different words or repeat the keyword but the keyword/keyword phrase's meaning as a whole is varied.

For example, the keyword SEO tips and tricks and SEO cheats are basically the synonymous and they can be used interchangeably in text rather than being repeated. SEO tips and tricks and SEO books indicate somewhat different content and therefore are appropriate to be used in tandem as keywords.

Most importantly, you want to choose keywords which are most appropriate to your subject matter. You wouldn't want to use they keyword apples if you only sell oranges.

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Getting Good Search Engine Rankings Organically Involves Lots Of Hard Work

If you want to achieve high rankings in the search engines for competitive keywords, you will need to work hard. There are two types of rankings in the search engines. One is getting high rankings with pay per click. To do that, all you need to do is to put together your campaign including ad text and apply a budget that will outbid your competitors. If you do that correctly, your listing will show up high on the page for your selected keywords.

A Pay Per Click campaign can be extremely expensive for certain industries. For example, if you are a personal injury attorney in a major city expect to pay out the nose for competitive keywords. Certain keywords may cost you around the $30-$40 range per click. Just because you get a click does not mean that the phone will then ring, it only means that person will visit your website and look around.

The hard work comes then when you want to rank organically for keywords. This is the area on the search engine pages underneath the sponsored links at the local listings. Seventy percent of the links come from this area as opposed to only 30% for the paid listings. So ranking high organically will give you a higher chance for getting traffic and doing so in a cheaper fashion.

People think they can just put up their website and the high rankings will come shortly thereafter. Well in this day and age where over 75 percent of the US is using the Internet the competitiveness is extensive and this will not work. In order to rank highly a lot of subsequent work needs to be done other than having a great looking and functioning site.

What do I mean by that? Internet marketing is necessary. Writing articles and distributing them around the Internet along with publishing video, writing frequently to a blog, and anything that will bring back traffic to your website. Social media participation can be very helpful as well, as eventually the search engines will index those sites which will help with rankings.

There are ethical ways to drive keyword rankings and then there are those that may lead to problems. If you are writing regular articles and distributing them around the Internet that is a great thing. However if you go out and buy hundreds of backlinks to your website and have them all go live at one time search engines notice this. They hate it, and may penalize you severely for this unethical purchase.. One thing that search engines really like now is video, especially Google as they own YouTube. If you set up a YouTube channel and film videos on topics that people want to hear about you can play the videos on your website and get a lot of views and traffic which will then help your search engine rankings.

The bottom line here is that achieving high search engine rankings is not an overnight phenomena. If you want to do it by yourself it will require considerable hard work done in a steady fashion. Most of the time, it is best to leave that type of work to a professional SEO company with an impressive track record. That way you can concentrate on the business that you do that and let a professional SEO company concentrate on your Internet success.

Mobile SEO Growing in Importance As Web Economy Set to Double by 2016   Characteristics Of A Good SEO Professional   Search Engine Optimization: Forum Posting   A Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Advertising   Big Changes to Web Marketing in 2012   

Polish Your Image With Online Reputation Management

Nip it in the butt! Cleaning up your reputation, (ORM) Online Reputation Management, online isn't a simple task. One thing that is for sure is that you want to nip the situation in the butt as soon as you are aware that your position has been smudged online. The average person probably wouldn't lose sleep over, supposedly, false information online. However, there are many people that have spent years branding their name, reputation and could stand to lose a substantial amount of money. In this blog post you will receive some good tips we gathered from our experience in the Online Reputation Management.


The only way to get Google or any search engine to remove a page from the Internet is by a court ruling. Other than that you are on your own, however, there is still hope. If there is a will there is a way. It's going to take a small investment in purchasing domain names, building micro-sites, and a bit of creativity to polish your reputation online.

There is a difference in opinion over the use of micro-sites (a one or two page website). We've seen plenty of spam looking micro-sites and quite sure that you have as well. Micro-sites are perfect for are ORM campaigns. The site must contain high quality information that is easy to obtain and simple to share as a link. Also, include a small and minimal navigation. For example, a home page, about us page, and contact page. There are several micro-sites options in which you can choose from. The more the merrier.

The Path of Charity

It would be perfect if the person or organization that you're doing the ORM for takes part in charitable events or has a huge wallet for donation purposes. This gives your ORM campaign more options.

1. Purchase a domain in close proximity of the event. 2. Get a micro-site created. 3. No commercial content or Ads. 4. Use as many pictures from charity events as possible. 5. Ask for a link from the charity to the micro-site.

The Importance of Domain Names

Get a domain that contains keyword terms that you are trying to rank high for. The catch here is to keep the domains short and sweet. The shorter the better since they are easier to remember. Your search engine optimization of the site will benefit as well. Company or Individual Track record

Create micro-sites using the company or individual's history. This would have to be, ideally, noteworthy event of the past. Creating micro-sites for simply the history may look ridiculous but the purpose is to fill up space in the search engines. It's your reputation on the line, how far are you willing to go?

Highlight the Employees

Sometimes the answers we are looking for is right underneath our noses. The employees of an organization are perfect for a micro-site highlighting their achievements. If the employees are well diversified, as they should be, then you can highlight that aspect as well. A brief bio of the individual that excels in their position is a good start. You can even create micro-sites s for each department. Be creative! Be smart! Have fun!

Think Contests. Think Prizes.

People love free stuff and if you add a little competition, such as a contest, you're in business! This is the easiest way to build links but the trick is to entice people to share the URL of their submission. The more links the higher your page rank and search engine listing will rise since your website traffic will significantly increase. You can build a micro-site just for the contest and then link it to your main site. Fortune 500 companies do it all the time.

Viral Content is Key

Positive content always goes viral, negative content has a 50/50 chance. Content that evokes emotions such as anger, anxiety or fear even though it could be considered negative information is contagious; people spreading your URL/link is exactly what you want. Viral marketing is the best type of internet marketing!

Maintaining a Fresh Website

Micro-sites are usually simple websites that shouldn't require much maintenance. Change the content at lease once a year or you'll run into having a stale website. If those negative pages still exist, then you should continue to fight and renew your domains until the 1st two pages in the search results are to your liking.

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Repression - The Luxury of Not Remembering

Repression is a term invented by Sigmund Freud to describe the situation when someone is unable to remember an event because it was too painful. Typically, we see examples of repression after a war or similar catastrophe and it is one of the ways that the mind uses to lighten the burden of painful memories.

It takes place to protect the conscious part of the mind, and is a deliberate act carried out by the unconscious part of the mind. Everyone is potentially subject to repression. It has nothing to do with being strong or weak, male or female.

The human mind is divided into two parts; the conscious part and the unconscious part. The conscious mind we are all familiar with; it is the part that we think is really us. The unconscious part is where we delegate all our routine tasks such as tying shoelaces, driving a car or riding a bicycle.

The unconscious mind therefore does lots of things that are designed to help us. In doing so, it often makes decisions on our behalf and even puts them into practice without our knowledge.

One of the things that it does automatically is to look at our memories and experiences and decide if they are traumatic. If they are too traumatic, the unconscious mind will not allow us to remember them. It is like having the Board of Film Censors in the mind, giving a certificate to each memory. If the memory has an "X" certificate, the person will not be allowed to watch it.

What we must take into account is that this censoring may have taken place when we were at a very young age, and what we think was traumatic at five, may seem very tame when we are twenty five. Nevertheless, the unconscious mind will still not allow us to remember. Once it has given a certificate to the memory, it will not (or is very reluctant) to change it.

The unconscious mind does not carry out repression just for the sake of it. It does so in order that the conscious mind can have some peace. If lots of unpleasant or traumatic memories were constantly available to the conscious mind, the results may be unbearable. The unconscious mind does it to help, and protect the conscious mind.

The problem is that even though the conscious mind is not aware of these memories, the unconscious mind is always aware. These traumas result in changes in behaviour to try to compensate or further protect the person, and the changes in behaviour can sometimes appear to be irrational.

It would not be unusual to have strange, apparently unconnected thoughts due to repression. In addition, there may be compulsions, obsessions, phobias or even anxiety. The person is left confused because there appears to be no reason for these feelings.

An example of repression in action could be the following. A boy at the age of three, experiences a difficult flight whilst going on holiday. His unconscious mind represses the experience but he gradually develops a fear of flying over the next few years.

Another example might be the following. When a girl was two years old, her mother had to go into hospital for three months. The need for the hospital stay was not explained to her (because she was only two years old) and as a result, she believed that her mother had abandoned her. In trying to work out why her mother abandoned her, the unconscious mind reasoned that it was because she was not a nice person. For the rest of her life she feels low self esteem, fears rejection and has feelings of inadequacy. She cannot remember the events because they are repressed but the effects live with her every day.

In many cases the question must be asked, "Why bother dragging up old memories?" The simple answer is that if the person does not have unwanted behaviour or has peace of mind at present, then there is little to be gained. If, however, the person does not have peace of mind, digging into the mind to find the cause is very worthwhile.

Often, uncovering regressed memories requires professional assistance (always check the professional qualifications) but this is not always the case. In some cases all that is needed is to adopt a state of mind which demonstrates to the unconscious mind that the person is now strong enough and wants to know about past events. This will encourage the unconscious mind to release them. It will release a little at a time, and see if the conscious mind "freaks out". If it does it will remove the memories to a safe place again. If the person receives them without a problem, it will release more and more until all of the memories are fully available.

Releasing memories should not be a frightening or painful experience. Usually the memories are far less frightening than expected. Things that were traumatic to a five year old are rarely traumatic to a mature and sensible adult. The peace of mind, the clarity of thinking and the rational behaviour that results from a "clean out" make it well worth the effort.

For more information visit the website

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